Friday 7 November 2014


For the Open Studios event 2014, I came up with the idea of making a portrait booth. This was something I had done whilst working on a massive performance/installation about being on the dole in an old printworks in Vauxhall London in the mid 1980s with artist/performer Robin Whitmore who I shared a house with at the time. We had made a portrait booth where an artist instead of a camera produced your portrait. This seemed like an idea worth revamping. Ian Rolls, Alasdair Healey and I built and decorated the booth which then took pride of place in the Royal Square for the launch week end of Open Studios with great success, we even had several "just married" couples coming straight from the registry office! 
The booth has since been a feature of the Spice Fayre and the Branchage Film Festival.


In February 2014 I took part in this residency with 6 local and 4 French artists from St Malo. Myself, painter Ian Rolls, painter Lucie Marie Holt, painter Matt Daly, jeweller Lisa Le Brocq and conceptual artist Christine Finn, Photographer Javier Belmont, Printmaker Mélanie Le Maître, painter and collage artist Valérie Dechaume and painter G-Rem. The residency was to explore the concept of the artists communicating with each other and further audiences through visual language.
We did not get off to a very good start as the poor french artists were disrupted by weather and strikes. With true grit and determination they boarded a boat to England and then back to Jersey in an epic voyage to get to Jersey. After several bonding exercises we divided into four groups "out of a hat" and I worked with local painter Matt Daly and French printer Mélanie Lemaître.
The whole group decided to root the projects in morse code and in each of our personal mantras, each group expressed this in a different way. Our group started with the premise that we are all the same but different and that through any form of communication, subtleties are lost, misunderstandings happen and yet we still do manage to communicate with each other. We took photographic portraits of ourselves which were overlaid with each other in different combinations. We had limited resources so we decided to make a projection screen from toilet paper. We stitched with red thread to represent the blood that we share, straight lines of stitching represented understanding, knotted, chaotic stitching represented misunderstanding. Helix stitches represented our shared DNA. We laid the tissue out in a random way and printed our mottos which then became broken and disjointed when we hung them. We projected the images in a morse code pulse which spelled out "Only connect" a quotation from E.M. Foster



Each year, one of the celebratory events during the film festival is the Bordée on the Saturday night. Each year has a different theme and this year's was all things sub-aqua. I was part of the creative team which produced set, props and costumes: Giant clam shells, coral, pearls, bubbles, under sea mountains, mermaids and jellyfish.

A magnificent marimba player opens the evening

A smack of jellyfish

 Miss Seal-a Black introduces "Blind Date"

The Coral Queens perform a seaweed fan dance

Angler fish freak out

Sultry Miss Molly and her Swing Band

Busby Berkeley Pearls


September 2014
Branchage Film Festival is a wonderful event showing a huge variety of fascinating films in unconventional venues; churches, National Trust properties and Heritage sites. This year, it's fifth on the island, local artists were invited to interpret either Branchage as a whole or one of the many fantastic films. I chose "La Planète Sauvage" an incredible surreal animation directed by René Laloux. I was particularly drawn to the rich colour and textured surface of the drawings. I one of the scenes, the bodies of seated figures dissolve and change shape which is what inspired the "mobile" construction of my piece. 


At d'Auvergne School I went to create some display boards. The Year 2s drew sea creatures inspired by photographs and the shapes were used as templates. At Open Evening children and parents were invited to paint and print coloured textures onto lining paper from which the creatures were then cut out. The boards were inspired by the Matisse Cut-Out exhibition in London.