Tuesday, 11 December 2012


.......and by the professional photographer........


Finally "The Book of Kingdoms" prints are complete, all 15 of them. I have learnt so much doing this, its been a great, frustrating, satisfying project. I'm taking them to be photographed today so that in the new year a poster can be reproduced.

yellow man

The yellow man is gone. He travelled to Guernsey to be exhibited in the JJ Fox exhibition and " a very discerning client" (Guernsey Arts Centres words) bought him. I'm thrilled to bits, although I will miss him, he's had a great year!
I do still have the rest of the series, in different colours, with different titles.
Here we are in the summer at the opening of the Open Studios exhibition.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Christmas card : Crazy Santa

                                                             Don't freak out! Dance!