Saturday 28 January 2012

Welcome to my new blog

I have recently built a studio; a room all of my own away from the 6 adorable men in my life. So far I have collected; 1 husband, 4 sons, 1 dog. My only female ally is lonely Peggy Sue, the last of the hens. (R.I.P. Babs, Dolly, Tammy, Specky, Flo with the 'fro and Queen Latifah).
So, my aim is to improve myself, mostly as an artist printmaker but also as a teacher and a student of all things technologically scary.
Today has been a great day. Not only did I get published in the Saturday Guardian colour supplement, flagging up the inspiring Linocut Boy's blog but also, was then thanked on aforementioned blog! This has inspired me to attempt a wrestle with my arch rival: technology. I'm quite pleased that I've got this far with's been a struggle....pathetic isn't it. Tomorrow I aim to attempt uploading photos.

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